Travelling with Labuan can be a great experience. To travel from Serasa, Brunei to Lauban find the following:-

From Muara One Way and Serasa Terminal Tax

Serasa to Labuan or Lauban to Serasa can use the following including saloon car, and a driver would cost B$50 (one-way), MVP and a driver would cost you $70 (one-way). Private vehicles for a trip from Muara (one-way) would cost $15 for a bicycle, $30 for a motorcycle, $50 for a sedan, small van, 4WD, SUV, MPV. Category 1 vans including H1, Alphard, Toyota, Elgrand and Urvan would be costing $65. Category 2 vans would be costing $85. Category 2 vans are ford transit and commercial van. Passenger transport with a vehicle driver would be free, adult would be costing $13, for children from 3 to 12 years of age the fee would be $8, and price is free for an infant and baby. Serasa terminal tax for a motorcycle would cost $1, sedan, SUV, MVP for $3, a Toyota or Elgrand would cost $10, and category 2 vans would cost $10.

From Lauban One Way and Lauban Terminal Tax

Following are the approximate charges for travelling from Lauban. Private vehicles including bicycle would cost $15, motorcycle would cost $70, Sedan, Small Van, 4WD, SUV or MPV would cost $120. Category 1 vans including H1, Alphard, Toyota, Elgrand, and Urvan would cost approximately $150. Category 2 vans including a Ford Transit and a commercial van would cost $200. Passenger vehicles would include a free vehicle driver, $30 for an adult, $15 for children from 3 to 12 years of age, and free for infants less than 3 years old. There is no Labuan terminal tax.

Apart from all this, excess baggage fees might be chargeable, terminal taxes, shipping and landing fees might be chargeable.

How to Get to Lauban, Malaysia

You can travel to Labuan Bajo, Malaysia by plane, bus or boat. The travel through bus would be most economical although time consumption would be more. Ferryboats are from Sape that arrives in port around 2pm. It travels daily from Sape to any other port locations. Charges would be RM 46,000. Boat trips for 4 days/three-night tour would cost RM 1550000 from a trip to Lombock or Bali to Flores. Ships arriving from Makassar to Lombok or also known as the Pelni ships have a couple of ships daily to Labuan every 2 weeks.  For a 3 days /2nights Perama tour, it would cost RM 2600000/2000000 for a cabin/deck and Lombock to Labuan for RM 1800000 and RM 1300000 vice versa.  One can also choose to travel by bus. One can easily travel by foot. Ojeks or bemos would be costing RM 3000 to RM 5000. Renting a motorcycle would cost RM 75,000 on a per day basis.

Visiting the Komodo National Park

A tree day park pass to either dive or visit the Komodo islands would cost US$15. Visit Rinca Island to see Komodo dragons. A guide will cost around RM 50,000.


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